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G DATA guarantees you trustworthy IT security solutions and services

G Data developed the worlds first antivirus software and is a one of the best companies in the field of IT security. With G DATA you have a wide range of IT security products: antivirus, e-mail scans , anti Ransomware and BankGuard

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USB Keyboard Guard

Protect yourself from USB devices that mimic your keyboard

Check Malaware behavioud

It also protects you from unknown malware. G DATA Antivirus recognizes them by their unusual behavior

Anti Exploit Protection

Protects your PC from criminals who use security holes present, for example, in Office applications or PDF readers

Anti Ransomware

No chance for cyber attacks. We protect your data from criminal encryption

E-mail Protection

Scans incoming emails and attachments for suspicious content. Threats are recognized before they can even become real

G DATA BankGuard

Our patented technology protects your browser from manipulation by data thieves - for online shopping and online banking

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Airport Münster/Osnabrück

Thanks to its location directly next to the A 1 motorway, Münster/Osnabrück Airport (FMO) is the reference airport for western Lower Saxony, Westphalia and the eastern Netherlands. Not only passengers in flight rely on a secure connection. On the ground, the G DATA security solution optimally protects the sensitive data of the airport facility


The Center Hospitalier InterCommunal des Andaines (CHIC) hospital is an operator of the health system. Before we deployed Gdata, we periodically suffered severe malware infections. We had to restore the data, reinstall all the programs... a huge waste of time


Publishing is a digital business. Even printed books are products of a digital workflow, from receiving and editing a manuscript to preparing the layout. IT security is vital for publishers, who must ensure a timely publication of the latest bestsellers

BCN Peptides

BCN Peptides, GP Pharm and BCN Peptides Corporate form a perfect team in the field of fine chemicals. A product demonstration confirmed that G DATA ANTIVIRUS BUSINESS was the most suitable solution for the company


The ROC Kop van NoordHolland and Scholen aan Zee institutions provide secondary education, vocational education and adult education with eight different locations. It is proved that our network is now better protected. We have solved our problems with byod devices and we have amazing technical support

GDPR Compliant

G DATA processes personal data exclusively on the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation . If we obtain your consent for the processing of personal data, Art. 6 (1) sentence 1 lit. a) GDPR serves as the legal basis. When processing personal data that is necessary to fulfill a contract to which the data subject is a party, Art. 6 Paragraph 1 Clause 1 Letter b) of GDPR serves as the legal basis. This also applies to processing operations that are necessary to initiate a contract (pre-contractual measures). Insofar as the processing of personal data is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation to which our company is subject, Art. 6 (1) sentence 1 lit. c) GDPR serves as the legal basis. If processing is necessary to protect a legitimate interest of our company or a third party and the interests, fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject do not outweigh the former interest, Art. 6 (1) sentence 1 lit. f) GDPR serves as the legal basis for processing.

Guida generale al GDPR

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